Rakhimova Charos

Purpose of the study:To study the development of Uzbek theater in the European style. Especially to study the characteristics and history of the musical drama theater of Kokandd city in Fergana region in the early period.
Methods: scientific-practical, historical analysis, comparison, historical research, comparison.
Results: During the years of Uzbekistan’s independence, it served as an important ground for educating people of the new era, cultivating creative people capable of fully mastering the original creative experiences of the past era and understanding the requirements of the new era. In these processes, the main directions and trends of the stage and theater art development of the Kokand city musical drama theater are taught in the article from a scientific point of view.
Scientific novelty: According to historical sources, in the past, Kokand was a major center of culture and enlightenment in Central Asia, as well as one of the places where national folk art developed. Kokand City State Musical Drama Theater is the oldest theater in the Fergana Valley of our Republic. The organizational and creative formation of the Kokand city musical drama theater has not yet been fully studied
Practical application: Show the main directions and directions of the development of stage art in the regional theater in the pre-independence period. To study the activities of the creative team in forming the repertoire.
Rakhimova Charos

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4. Umarov A., Mirzahamdamov Z. Hoqandi Latif - art porch. // History of the Kokan Theater. - Fergana, 2011., 8 p. (In Uzbek)