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An analysis of a half-century scientific papers on Leonurus L. genus is studied in the world: a review of papers from the Scopus database published in English for the period of 1968-2023


Arabova Nodira Ziyodovna, Bahodirova Gavharkhon Ikrom qizi

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In this article the review of papers of the Leonurus L. genus in the Scopus database for a half century, that is, from 1968 to 2023 is analyzed. For 55 years, 183 articles were published by 160 authors from 36 countries on the genus Leonurus L. and its promising species. About the species belonging to the genus Leonurus L., very few articles were published between 1968-2002, and between 2003-2008, 2-5 articles were published per year. During the years 2009-2023, 163 articles were published about the Leonurus genus, and this figure was 89% of the publications published for 55 years worldwide. 157 articles were published in 144 scientific journals about representatives of this category. Moreover, top 10 journals that have published the most articles on Leonurus L. genus plant species for 55 years, analytical results on Top-cited articles on motherwort, information on 160 authors who have studied motherwort in various directions, analysis of publications by countries and their organizations explained. The results of the research shows that the Chinese state ranks are the first in terms of funding and publication of articles. It is followed by Russian Federation (27; 16.54%), United States (11; 6.75%), South Korea (9; 5.52%), Iran (7; 4.29%), Germany (6; 3.68%), Lithuania (6; 3.68%), United Kingdom (6; 3.68%), and Australia (5; 3.06%), which are the countries with the top publications in terms of number of articles.


top journals
Scopus database
Leonurus L.
medical plants


Arabova Nodira Ziyodovna, Bahodirova Gavharkhon Ikrom qizi


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