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Kurbonova Oftoboyim Khusniddinovna, Abdullaev Asadulla Shokir ugli, Kurbanov Mukhammadali Akhmad ugli, Akhmedov Azimjon Normuminovich

Rubric:Food processing industry
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In a scientific article, it was determined that the free gossypol in the fry was significantly less changed when the cotton wool was treated with radiation power in the range of 100 to 300 W. In the control experiments (with industrial method), the material was treated with steam, the moisture content of the material was brought up to 13-15%, and the temperature was brought up to 60-65˚С, after that, the temperature of the roast was brought up to 100-105˚С during 60 minutes. When the oil was treated with 100 W high-frequency radiation, the color of the oil was observed to change after only 5 minutes, and it was found that the number of red units increased to 45 and the number of blue units increased to 2 by the end of the treatment after 30 minutes. Also, it has been proven that the peroxide value of oil obtained from cotton pulp treated with 300-600 W ultra-high frequency radiation with a frequency of 2450 MHz and a power of 300-600 W within 5-30 minutes is changed from 10 to 17 mmol/kg.


Kurbonova Oftoboyim Khusniddinovna, Abdullaev Asadulla Shokir ugli, Kurbanov Mukhammadali Akhmad ugli, Akhmedov Azimjon Normuminovich


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