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Baymuratova Gulbaxar Orinaevna, Saitkulov Foziljon Ergashevich

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In our previous study, we demonstrated methods for the synthesis of the coordination compound 6-benzylaminopurine with hexahydrate cobalt-II nitrate. Continuing our research, we studied the influence of the resulting coordination connection on the shipping of the Bukhara-102 cottons


Bukhara-102 cotton
hexsahydrate cobalt-II nitrate
coordination compounds
chelating ligands.


Baymuratova Gulbaxar Orinaevna, Saitkulov Foziljon Ergashevich


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  2. Gulbakhar Baymuratova, Khasan Nasimov and Foziljon Saitkulov. Synthesis of 6-benzylaminopurine and the study of biological active properties of cotton C-6424 plants .E3S Web of Conf., 389 (2023) 03032
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  8. Foziljon Saitkulov, Bairamdurdi Sapaev, Khasan Nasimov, Dilorom Kurbanova and Nargiza Tursunova. Structure, aromatic properties and preparation of the quinazolin-4-one molecule. E3S Web of Conf., 389 (2023) 03075
  9. Bairamdurdi Sapaev, Foziljon Saitkulov, Muattar Mamedova, Shahlo Saydaliyeva and Dilafruz Makhmudova. Chromato-mass-spectrometry of the analysis of the sum of the common mushrooms 01006 Published online: 04 September 2023
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  11. Saitkulov, F., Qilichyeva, N., Abdullayev, B., Anvarov, A., & Ergasheva, M. (2022). Titrimetric analysis of calcium cation in" megaton" variety of cabbage. International Bulletin of Applied Science and Technology2(10), 134-135.
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  16. Saitkulov, F., Begimqulov, I., Oʻralova, N., Gulimmatova, R., & Rahmonqulova, D. (2022). Biochemical effects of the coordination compound of cobalt-II nitrate quinazolin-4-one with 3-indolyl acetic acid in the “amber” plants grades PHASEOLUS AUREUS. Академические исследования в современной науке1(17), 263-267.
  17. Saitkulov, F., Elmuradov, B., O’lmasova, K., & Alijonova, A. (2023). preparation of a mixed coordination compound cobalt-ii nitrate hexahydrate with quinazoline-4-one and 3-indolylacetic acid on “amber” plants of the phaseolus aureus variety. Science and innovation in the education system2(1), 81-87.
  18. Bairamdurdi Sapaev, Foziljon Saitkulov, Muattar Mamedova, Shahlo Saydaliyeva and Dilafruz Makhmudova. Chromato-mass-spectrometry of the analysis of the sum of the common mushrooms. BIO Web Conf., 65 (2023) 01006

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