The Econometric Analysis of Financial Indicators of Commercial banks activities
Mohira Mutalova
As the result of the econometric analysis of the financial instruments of a concrete joint-stock commercial bank, it was carried out the efficiency of transformation of bank activities in Uzbekistan.
Mohira Mutalova
1. Mutalova M.A., Ishnazarov A. “Transformation of banks using the St. Gallen Management Model”. Monography – Tashkent.: 2022. – 73 p.
2. Mutalova M.A., A. Mutalov “ "On improvement of taxation of small business in the Republic of Uzbekistan" - Theses of the report at the Republican scientific-practical conference “On improvement of taxation of small business” Tashkent , 2022.
3. Mutalova M.A., R. Fayziyev “ Empirical economic and mathematical models of inventory management in Ms excel” - Theses of the Report on the Republican scientific-practical conference on the theme of: “New business models of economic management in Uzbekistan as a basis for ensuring economic growth and reducing poverty” Tashkent , 2022.
4. Mutalova M.A. “Тижорат банкларини трансформациялаш - давр талаби” - Report at the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference on the topic: “Iqtisodiyotning raqamlashuvi sharoitida bank-moliya tizimini rivojlantirish istiqbollari” Tashkent , 2022.
5. Mutalova M.A. “Экономическое моделирование трансформации банков (на примере Санкт-Галленской модели управления) - Journal " Economics and Entrepreneurship " Moscow № 6, 2022