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Ulvi Aydın oglu Mikayilov

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At the beginning of the study, the work of Azerbaijani writer Isa Mughanna was reviewed in general. At the beginning of Nasir's writing career, he wrote under the signature of Isa Huseynov. "Ideal" and its sequels were presented to the readers under the signature of Mughanna. In the work of the author, the principles of humanism have always manifested themselves. Beginning with "Ideal", the moments of human importance are characteristic of Mughanna's artistic prose. Autobiographical and biographical images are widely used in his works, as the author sheds more light on the events happening in his environment. The concept of immortality in "Ideal" and the works written after it caused the reader's surprise.

            The writer created biographical images of himself and his father in the novel "Cemetery". The novel contains the events that took place in Azerbaijan in the early 90s .


Isa Mughanna
biographical image
Rashid Fatullayev
national identity


Ulvi Aydın oglu Mikayilov


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