Evaluation of Explosive Power and Flexibility in Elementary School Children of Tirana
Keida Ushtelenca, Danjela Cakuli

The primary goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of explosive power and flexibility in elementary school children. Out of the 64 schools from Tirana district, 4 schools were randomly chosen. Merely 148 kids aged 10 to 13 have completed both assessments (the follow-up evaluation occurs after a full academic year). The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of explosive power and flexibility in elementary school children of the 2nd year of elementary school in Tirana city during one year period. To evaluate the explosive power in lower limbs we have used standing long jump, and for measuring flexibility we have used sit and reach test. The Statistical analyses is performed via “IBM Statistics 22”. The results, identify an increase by 11 cm from M1 to M2 in standing long jump, while Flexibility test results show that after one year there was no improvement in flexibility but a decrease of 1.03 cm.
The explosive power in children give us a clear picture of the progress of explosive power along one academic year, with an improvement of the power in the bigger muscles but on the contrary the results show a decrease with no improvement of flexibility. The children subjects of this this study did not acquire explosive power and flexibility, which call for specialized instruction in addition to their active engagement in recreational activities and general physical activity.
Keida Ushtelenca, Danjela Cakuli

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