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A brief review of NCT dosimetry


Himmatov I. F., Sergey E.Ulin

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Neutron Capture Therapy (NCT) offers a targeted approach for treating tumors, but its clinical implementation faces challenges in accurate dosimetry. This review focuses on the complexities of measuring the four key absorbed dose components—Photon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Boron doses—in NCT treatments. Emphasis is placed on the importance of measuring the Boron dose, owing to boron-10's high interaction rate with thermal neutrons. While various methods, including gamma spectroscopy, are explored, they present logistical and safety challenges. The High-Pressure Xenon Gamma-ray Spectrometer emerges as a hopeful tool due to its high energy resolution and resilience against neutron flux. This study underscores the need for further research to standardize NCT dosimetry.


Neutron Capture Therapy (NCT); Dosimetry; Boron Dose Measurement; Gamma Spectroscopy; High-Pressure Xenon Gamma-ray Spectrometer; Thermal Neutrons.


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  3. Alexander S. Novikov, Sergey E. Ulin, Valery V. Dmitrenko, Irina V.Chernysheva, Victor M. Grachev, Kira V. Krivova, Alexander E. Shustov, Ziyaetdin M. Uteshev, Konstantin F. Vlasik, (2019) "Xenon gamma-ray spectrometers: development and applications," Proc. SPIE 11114, Hard XRay, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XXI, 111140H
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