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Post-traumatic diaphragmatic hernia in a child (case report)


Tandilava Rene, Tebidze Tengiz, Bakhtadze Tamara, Tandilava Zurab


We describe the clinical case of a 9-year-old girl operated for diaphragmatic hernia. The probable cause of the diaphragm defect in the girl is a blunt abdominal injury with the subsequent formation of a false diaphragmatic hernia with clinic of acute respiratory failure, making it difficult for early diagnosis. A complex of instrumental methods of investigation was used to visualize a traumatic diaphragmatic hernia, the most effective of which was contrast computed tomography. The discussed clinical case is interesting for its rarity. The peculiarity of the disease is marked in a specific case, and the problem of early diagnosis of traumatic diaphragmatic hernias due to the lack of early pathognomonic symptoms of this pathology is considered. We conclude that managing children who had severe injuries requires being cautious in terms of the possibility of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia formation


post-traumatic diaphragmatic hernia
acute respiratory failure
surgical treatment


Tandilava Rene, Tebidze Tengiz, Bakhtadze Tamara, Tandilava Zurab



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