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On the relation between the readiness frontier technologies index and ISO 9001:2015 standard index


Enriko Ceko, Reis Mulita

Rubric:Standardization and product quality control
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Improving life quality is necessary for humans to use technology and standards in all of their activities. The primary goal of this research was to determine the relationships between the readiness frontier technologies index and quality management. This was accomplished by conducting a regression analysis between the readiness frontier technology index and the ISO 9001 Index to compare Hypothesis H1 (no relationship between the RFT Index and the ISO 9001 Index) to Hypothesis H0 (strong relationship between the RFT Index and the ISO 9001 Index). The study discovered that, while humans strive to better their quality of life, there is no link or association between readiness frontier technology and quality management (as expressed primarily in ISO 9001:2025 standards). The research concludes that all interested parties, individuals, public and private institutions, decision-makers, and civil society should look forward to improving life quality by applying quality management principles and ISO standards as efficient and effective tools, combined with technology usage and that all parties should look forward to building relations and connections between RFT Index and ISO standards, which are currently lacking.


readiness frontier technologies index
quality management
life quality
ISO 9001:2015 index


Enriko Ceko, Reis Mulita


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