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Boltayev Didar Baqytuly

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For Kazakhstan, the large-scale introduction of highly effective distance education technologies is an urgent and urgent task, and real prerequisites have been created for its solution. This is indicated by the following facts. The development and implementation of distance learning technologies is becoming increasingly important. Progress in this area is an important factor in reforming and improving Kazakhstan's education system, bringing it in line with international requirements and integrating it into the international educational space.

Kazakhstan has enough forces, resources and highly qualified specialists to solve these problems. It is only necessary to carefully and thoroughly study them and adjust them in the course of implementation[1].

Similar problems are observed in vocational education. Organizations of technical professional education (colleges and universities) they are mainly concentrated in large cities, where there are highly qualified teaching staff. Meanwhile, there is a noticeable shortage of specialists of all categories in the periphery, which cannot be met without addressing the issue of providing the local population with the opportunity to get a full-fledged professional education.

These are significant social problems that contain an element of violation of the constitutional rights of certain categories of citizens and discrimination based on their place of residence and physical health. Understanding this, the state seeks opportunities and takes all measures to solve these problems. At the same time, the introduction of distance learning technologies is considered as a priority area.

In many countries of the world, distance learning technologies are widely used in the higher education systemдистанционные образовательные технологии, which is why the number of universities that effectively use distance learning technologies is growing[2].

They are most widely used in such countries as the USA, Great Britain, France, Spain, China, Germany, etc. Thus, more than 20 thousand students study at the Open University of Great Britain every year, more than 50 thousand students study at the Open University of Hagen (Germany), and more than 68 thousand students study at INTEC College in Cape Town (South Africa) using the distance learning system every year. The popularity of distance learning technologies in developed countries is characterized by the use of distance learning technologies in many universities. In the United States, DO is used by about 60% of universities. University distance education has been operating effectively in Spain for 30 years. Since 1970, distance learning has been actively developing throughout Europe. Open universities based on DO are also widely used.

Currently, in the UK, there are more than 50% of educational programs for obtaining a master's degree in management using DO. The leading organization in this field is the Open Business School of the Open University of Great Britain.

At the same time, it should be noted that LMS is also being intensively developed in third world countries, with its own differences in content, which is explained by the peculiarities of cultural, pedagogical and other traditions in a particular country.

Most universities in the United States, Great Britain, and other developed countries of the world offer distance learning not only in general, but also for obtaining bachelor's and master's degrees in various fields. The Open University of Great Britain offers 53 such courses of different levels in different specialties: short – term courses-to expand your own horizons or improve your skills in a particular field, full-time courses – to get a specific certificate, diploma, i.e. to get a specialty.

In the United States, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, and Germany, the development of the Internet has created conditions for organizing distance education networks. And this process is experiencing a real boom today. The most advanced distance education projects are implemented on the basis of or with the support of the largest computer companies-IBM, Apple, DEC, Sun, Novel, Microsoft, etc.

In Kazakhstan, in recent years, work has been launched to introduce technologies of electronic and virtual education. It is carried out in several relatively independent directions. These include the introduction of distance learning technologies, a testing system, the creation of internal local networks, websites, and providing Internet access. Many open universities in Europe, the United States, and Russia recruit and train specialists on the territory of the Republic through their virtual universities. Hundreds of Kazakhstanis have received and are still receiving distance education at these universities, including through training programs at two universities at the same time[3].

Currently, a number of leading universities are working in this direction. These are KazNU named after Al-Farabi, KazNTU named after K. Satpayev, EKSTU named after D. Serikbayev, KarSTU, SKSU named after M. Auezov, KarSU named after E. Buketov, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Ryskulov KEU, Turan University, North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev, KRU, Miras University and others.

In the country's universities, more than 16 thousand computers in 700 computer classes are connected to the Internet, and more than 140 thousand students have direct access. These indicators are growing annually.

 KazNTU named after K. Satpayev in recent years has increased the number of computers to 3.5 thousand, there are 97 computer classes and laboratories, 80 multimedia classrooms, several video conference rooms. All academic buildings and dormitories are connected by fiber-optic communication. 2.3 thousand computers are connected to the network, and 19.6 thousand students, teachers and employees have Internet access. The speed has increased from 2 Mbps to ten, and this figure will be doubled in the near future. Today, this is the highest level among universities in the Republic.

KazNTU's educational webportalКазНТУ, which includes a variety of e-learning materials, provides opportunities for virtual communication with teachers, provides access to an electronic library and an electronic catalog of 70 thousand titles, has become very popular. Data on registration of the portal's attendance (1.03 million visits by students and teachers, 78.3 thousand employers) indicate its growing demand not only among the university staff, but also in other cities of Kazakhstan, as well as in Russia, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.

The created Polytech corporate information system and KazNTU IT infrastructure represent the most advanced university version of the electronic university in the country[4].

D. Serikbayev EKSTU Серикбаеваimplemented the project "Virtual University". Educational process management, testing, distance learning, an educational portal, an electronic library and a whole range of other services are provided within the framework of this e-university. The accumulated experience of EKSTU shows that with the correct formulation of the case and its dynamic support, such projects can be implemented in the country at the level of modern requirements and world standards.

Currently, an interuniversity electronic library is being created in the Republic. About 90 thousand electronic textbooks, about a million articles, manuals, and books on media are accumulated in the electronic libraries of the country's universities. The electronic catalog of university libraries has reached 3.3 million titles and continues to grow. The Association of Universities of Kazakhstan and Ассоциация «the KazRENA Association, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, are working to combine university electronic resources.


  1. V. V. Tumalev Socio-economic problems of distance learning implementation. Russia in the WTO: problems, tasks, prospects. Saint Petersburg: Institute of Business and Law, 2012, pp. 350-356
  2. Bordiyanu, I. V. Improving the organization and management of distance learning in the system of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan: dis. ... Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): specialty 6D050000-Business.  Almaty, 2011, 143 p. (in Russian)
  3. Andreev A. A., Soldatkin V. I. Distance learning: essence, technology, organization, Moscow: MESI Publishing House, 2009, p. 196
  4. Artykbaeva E.. V. Creating digital educational resources: the beginning of a long journey// Bulletin of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan. - 2009. - No. 1. - p. 9-13

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