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Teacher-student interaction in foreign language classes. Lesson observation in Primary Education, Korça city.


Dr. Edlira XEGA

Rubric:Germanic languages
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Teacher- student interaction in the teaching-learning process, should function in such a way that they engage in those types of communicative processes, as if they were involved in the real world, and the assigned tasks should include cognitive processes, such as reasoning, classifying, sharing and transforming information.

This study is focused on a field observation of the teacher-student interaction in the Primary Education in the city of Korça. The class observed is a ninth grade class , during the implemenation of cultural an English languge class. An English language textbook with foreign authors is analyzed and it is observed its impact on the English language acquisition. The study overviews the procedures how the textbook materials are used by the teachers and how they are adapted to the students’ mentality and culture, how they convey intercultural knowledge to students and how well students are able to accept intercultural differences in the English textbook.

This study highlights as well the ways in which the teaching-learning process is characterized by methodological choices and contemporary practices in relation to the way of knowledge transmission, foreign language acquisition, communication and teaching content. Observing the teacher during the English class is a very good way for the teacher to become more aware of the options and possibilities in the teaching-learning process, and it helps to focus clearly on what actually happens in the classroom, by providing appropriate information for personal reflection. The aim of the observed class, is to establish discussion and cooperation, for a more efficient language acquisition.


teaching- learnign process


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