Gavharoy Isroiljon qizi

The article deals with the issues of understanding the terms of tourism terminology in lexical cognition, the largest type of cognitive linguistics, and their cognitive analysis. The cognitive aspect of understanding the terms of business tourism and complete exploration the field, the cognitive study of business tourism terms from the world experience is also an important step in the development of the industry and models of tourism language and language learning are presented. Understanding the term of tourism, when knowledge is interpreted as a cultural phenomenon, refers to the extent which this form of knowledge conforms to the norms inherent in the culture of a particular social group. The author analyzes the theory of social comparative advantages of tourism in conceptive context, the theories of outstanding western sociologists for the tourism analysis as social phenomenon. In this article the author analyzed the theory of social comparative advantages of tourism terminology and opportunities in Uzbek and English, learning the theories of outstanding western sociologists for the tourism analysis as social phenomenon.
Gavharoy Isroiljon qizi

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