Protection of the subsoil and the environment during the development of gaz fields by dual completion
Deryaev Annaguly Rejepovich
Abstract: The development of an oil field as a whole and each of its individual objects should be carried out in accordance with approved project documents. Proposals made during the operation of a field (deposits) that are not foreseen by the project (technological scheme) to improve the development system, leading to changes in the accepted design provisions on the number of producing and injection wells, oil production levels and water injection, can be initiated by implementation only after the project document is re-approved.
Industrial development of oil and oil and gas fields is allowed only if the gas extracted together with oil is used in the national economy or, for temporary storage purposes, is pumped into special underground storage facilities, into oil reservoirs being developed or to be developed.
In the process of industrial development of oil fields, the collection and use of gas, condensate and related valuable components and water extracted together with oil must be ensured in the volumes provided for in the approved technological project document. A project for the development of an oil field for industrial development can be accepted for approval only if it solves the issues of collecting and rational use of petroleum gas.
Deryaev Annaguly Rejepovich
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