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Effect of Parenting Styles on Aggression


Zhong Dacheng

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Previous research has observed that parenting style can influence the level of aggression in children. In general, authoritarian and permissive parenting styles have been most commonly linked to aggressive behavior in children. This has been observed in a wide variety of populations and in college students. However, to date there is little research on the link to parenting style in older adult populations. The goal of the current study was to observe whether differences in parenting styles would predict aggression level in an adult population with a wide range of age groups. We administered the Parenting Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) along with the Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) to a sample of participants on Amazon’s mechanical turk (N = 285). We found evidence that permissive parenting led to more aggressive behavior, but authoritarian parenting did not. These results became more extreme in later adulthood. These results present an interesting addition to the literature on parenting style and aggression and suggest future research is needed on how parenting in childhood leads to differences in adult behavior.


permissive parenting
authoritarian parenting


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