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Mandelbaum, the Tet Offensive and Media Reporting


Xie Taoxi

Rubric:Political science
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Johns Hopkins University Professor, Michael Mandelbaum underestimated the effect of the reporting of Tet. Tet reporting should be regarded as a significant factor that contributed to the disastrous political optics of President Johnson.


Tet Offensive
Lyndon B. Johnson
Michael Mandelbaum
Vietnam War


1.  Michael Mandelbaum, "Vietnam: The Television War," Daedalus 111, no. 4 (1982): 167.

2.  Report from Vietnam, hosted by Walter Cronkite, aired February 2, 1968, on CBS, accessed          April 24, 2022,

3.  “After the Tet Offensive,” The New York Times, last modified February 2, 1968, accessed          April 24, 2022,       =true&ip=0.

4.  William L. Lunch, and Peter W. Sperlich, “American Public Opinion and the War in         Vietnam,” The Western Political Quarterly 32, no. 1 (1979): 26.

5.  E. M. Schreiber, "Anti-War Demonstrations and American Public Opinion on the War in

            Vietnam," The British Journal of Sociology 27, no. 2 (1976): 230.

6.  Peter Braestrup, Big Story: How the American Press and Television Reported and Interpreted      the Crisis of Tet 1968 in Vietnam and Washington, abridged ed. (Novato, CA: Presidio,          1994), 627-629.

7.  William M. Hammond, "The Tet Offensive and the News Media," Army History, no. 70 (2009): 13.

8.  Lyndon B. Johnson, The Vantage Point: Perspectives of the Presidency 1963-1969 (London:         Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1971), 384.

9.  Cronkite, Walter. "Report from Vietnam." Television Broadcast, CBS, February 27, 1968.         Voices and Vision. Accessed April 24, 2022.  vietnam-february-27-1968/.

10.  Johnson, Lyndon B. "By Lyndon B. Johnson: The Tet Offensive." The New York Times. October 24, 1971. Accessed April 24, 2022.       installment-viii-by-lyndon-b.html.

11.  "Westmoreland Tells Johnson That Foe Nears Desperation." The New York Times. March 31, 1968.    =true&ip=0.

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