Basic requirements and features of well drilling technology for dual completion of several horizons
Deryaev Annaguly Rejepovich

This article discusses the basic requirements and features of well drilling technology for dual completion (DC) of several horizons. A number of problems encountered during the simultaneous operation of several horizons, mainly with different characteristics (reservoir pressure, permeability, porosity, saturation pressure, oil viscosity, and others) are described productive formations and solutions for their development by independent grids of wells, as well as dependent factors for choosing the design of the wells of the DC. The article substantiates the position that the use of expanding packers on a hydrocarbon solution after 72 hours to expand and completely isolate the zone of productive formations in the open borehole, reducing the cementing of the open borehole, as well as excluding the colmatation of productive formations with cement mortar.
Deryaev Annaguly Rejepovich

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