Flora Shaakhmedovna Mukhtarova

Purpose: to give a brief description of the polyphonic cycle "Prelude - Fugue" in the composer's work of Uzbekistan. Based on a comparison of the cycles of different composers, to identify and justify the innovative interpretation of this genre in the cycles of T. Kurbanov.
Methods: comparative, theoretical-analytical, generalization.
Results: The analysis of the cycles "Prelude-fugue" by different authors made it possible to establish common (typological) and various principles in the interpretation of the genre, and to single out the cycles of T. Kurbanov as the most innovative type.
Scientific novelty: in this article, for the first time, on the basis of shown methods, an original, individually creative interpretation of the old polyphonic cycle by the Uzbek composer T. Kurbanov was identified and substantiated.
Practical significance: the theoretical and analytical materials contained in the article can be used in scientific and pedagogical practice in musical and theoretical courses of music universities.
Flora Shaakhmedovna Mukhtarova

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