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A Comparative Analysis of Nordic Countries’ Responses to the Ukraine-Russia War


Hasibul Alam

Rubric:Political science
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The Nordic Countries have taken different approaches towards a shared goal of helping Ukraine’s independence and sovereignty against Russia’s invasion while securing the safety of the Nordic region. The Nordic countries have taken and resettled over 0.2 million Ukrainian refugees since the beginning of the war as of early 2024. The combined financial aid to Ukraine from the Nordic countries totals approximately €19.03 billion. Among the Nordic countries, Denmark and Finland have taken a military-centric approach by sending most of their funds towards military support, while Sweden took a more humanitarian approach. Iceland and Norway took a balanced approach maintaining equality in terms of providing humanitarian and military aid. Denmark, Norway and Sweden have taken a long-term initiative towards helping Ukraine. Even Iceland is also undergoing the approval of a five-year-long plan to help Ukraine in the war. All five of the Nordic countries are now members of NATO, as Finland and Sweden have joined recently, to ensure the security of the Nordic region. The Nordic countries have sided with Ukraine against Russia since the beginning of the invasion and plan on supporting it as long as it takes.


Ukraine-Russia War
Nordic Countries
Official Responses


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