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Bota Kuppaeva

Rubric:Political science
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The current pace of development of Kazakhstan in the context of ongoing reforms gives rise to the need for a deep understanding of the ideas and principles of constitutionalism, the degree of their dissemination and the dynamics of implementation in national legislation. The Constitution, as the main form of embodiment of these legal postulates, is the highest political and legal act regulating fundamental social relations, and its further improvement in accordance with global challenges and the needs of state development, which is necessary and in demand.


Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1993
Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1995. Constitutional reform of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2007. Constitutional reform of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2017
republican referendum on June 5
‘Zhety Zhargy’
Khan Tauke
Barlybek Syrtanov
‘Charter “Kazak eli’
Country of the Kazakhs
Declaration ‘On State Sovereignty of the Kazakh SSR’
constitutional Law ‘About State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan’ which is dated December 16


1. Zimanov S.3., Userov N. A few words about Zhety-Zhargy // News of the Academy of Sciences of the KazSSR, public series, 1975, No. 4.

2. Levshin A. ‘Description of the Kyrgyz-Cossack, or Kyrgyz-Kaisak, hordes and steppes,’ Part 3. St. Petersburg, 1832. Materials on Kazakh customary law. Alma-Ata, 1948. pp. 18-22.

3. Levshin A.I. Description of the Kyrgyz-Cossack, or Kyrgyz-Kaisak hordes and steppes. St. Petersburg 1832, p. 170-178, 33 fragments of articles of the Code are given.

4. History of the Kazakh SSR. T. 2. Alma-Ata, 1979, p. 290.

5. Ozbekuly S. Barlybek Syrtanov. Almaty: Zheti Zhargy, 1996. - P. 87-90. Translation into Russian - Sh. Tlepina.

6. Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Almaty: Kazakhstan, 1993.

7. Kotov A.K. Sovereign Kazakhstan: citizen, nation, people. – Almaty, 1997.

8. Kotov A.K. Constitutionalism in Kazakhstan: experience of formation and effectiveness of the mechanism of power. – Almaty, 2000.

9. Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 30, 1995 - Clause 1 Art. 40. – Almaty, 1995.

10. About introducing amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 21, 2007, No. 254 // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. - 22nd of May. – 2007.

11. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “About Amendments and Additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, adopted by Parliament on March 6, 2017 // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. - March 14th. – 2017.

12. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “About Amendments and Additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, submitted to a republican referendum on June 5, 2022

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