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Lyanova Togzhan, Issina Gaukhar

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This article aims to analyze the process of national identity formation, which is considered a pivotal concept in contemporary social and humanitarian sciences. The authors explore various dimensions of national identity, ranging from its historical roots to its present-day developmental trends. The focal point of this study revolves around elucidating the determining factors behind the formation and evolution of national identity, as well as its distinctive nature. Consequently, the article not only appeals to researchers but also to a wide readership interested in sociology, history, and cultural studies.

Methods: In this article, we will delve into three distinct approaches to comprehending identity - philosophical, psychological, and sociological. Each of these perspectives brings a different lens to the study of identity, shedding light on its complexities and nuances. Through the use of methods such as systematic review, historical analysis, and literature analysis, the authors have critically examined the views of various scholars on the concept of national identity. By exploring these different approaches, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of identity and how it shapes our sense of self and belonging.


national identity
social identity


Lyanova Togzhan, Issina Gaukhar


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